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Recent news​

Moving On Fees due Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The $15 Moving On Fee is due by this Wednesday. The $15 will go towards awards, trophies and food for the Moving On Ceremony and 5th Grade Luncheon. Your child cannot participate in the end of year activities unless his/her fees have been paid.




SOL Testing Dates

We have entered into the final week of SOL Testing. The Math test will be taken in 2 parts.  Please continue working with your students on their basic math skills and also with reviewing all study guides & notes given out throughout the year. All previous study guides are attached to the the Class Notes tab.

Thursday         June 6       Math Part 1

Friday               June 7       Math Part 2



Monday, June 10


Field Day 

Wednesday, June 12


Moving on Ceremony

Wednesday, June 13


Senior Week  5th Grade students will be celebrating their hard work during testing by participating in several fun activities throughout the week. Students must show good behavior to participate in these events listed below.


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